Indoor Air Quality
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Furniture and finishing materials
The level of air pollution near the building is the first factor that affects the ecology of living space. Air from the street enters the premises through windows, doors, or the supply ventilation system of the building.
If there is an unfavorable environmental situation outside, then the indoor concentrations of harmful substances in the air will be higher than the permissible level. In rooms, there are internal sources of air pollution, which often have a much greater impact on the health and well-being of people living in it. The greatest contribution to indoor air pollution is made by furniture and finishing materials. Along with them, smoking and cooking also deteriorate indoor air quality standards.
Residential Air Balance
Residential air balance indicates what exactly and in what quantities of pollution is present in the air of an apartment or office, as well as whether it is dangerous for your health. Indoor air quality products supplied by us will measure the air quality and let you find out whether the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air are exceeded, what organic compounds are present in the air, and what could be the source of these substances ‘ release. All reports are shown immediately on the screen. You can install the Indoor Air quality product in any AC duct. After this, you will start getting fresh air. When air passes through AC, all harmful elements, pollutants, and dust, dirt are eliminated and fresh air is released in the room. You will feel more relaxed.
When do I need to Install Indoor Air Quality Equipment?
All individuals must buy Indoor Air Quality devices when they repair or buy new furniture, unpleasant odors began to bother them, their health worsened for no reason, increased fatigue, pain in the eyes, signs of allergies began to appear. Poor-quality home repair or new furniture often becomes a source of harmful substances in the indoor air.
When You Move into A New House
When you move into a newly built house or a repaired one, install Indoor Air Quality equipment. Always keep in mind that that ammonia is often added to concrete and mortar to increase frost resistance and prevent premature hardening, which is then released from building structures for a long time. Other materials used in construction can also be sources of various harmful substances.When You Care About Your Peace of Mind
When you buy an environmentally friendly home, use our Indoor Air Quality equipment. If you are concerned about the environmental situation and you often hear about how bad things are with the environment around you, purchase an indoor air quality equipment. It will help to control the situation and make sure that there is nothing to worry about.A Perfect Solution to Your Problems:
Our experience shows that the presence of every threat can be seen or felt. One of the most important parameters of the room is air. Air quality is very difficult to assess without a microscope and a laboratory. However, poor air quality can be a cause of a variety of ailments (headaches, allergic reactions, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, etc. Get indoor air quality equipment from us in Little Rock, Arkansas, and abolish all indoor air pollutants. If you are interested in preserving the health of your loved ones or employees, make a highly qualified assessment of the quality of the air you breathe. Timely identification and elimination of possible threats by installing professional air purification and deodorization systems will help you improve the quality of life of your family or employees. Order now!